Labels:book | bulletin board | reckoner | sky OCR: The table for this algorithm then looks like: 128 .bytes .512 .bytes 0.4.8 bytes 1.92 bytes 768 bytes 1.31 072 bytes .524 288 bytes 2 097 152 bytes 11 ,097,152 bytes However since with Millets algorithm, each successive grid of points does not share any points with the preceding grid at any level of subdivision the program would require the sum JO the above storage requirements for that level and the preceding level. Thus fbrsi hbdivision Miller algorithm would require 097 152 8,388 608 or 10 megabytes 10 485iu0tbte the grid! Now, add to this the memory required for the offscrehdGied to hold the 24 bit deep image (actually 32 bits per pixel). If we are using full screen window on the standard 13 or 14 inch Macintosh dishmpixMap for this GMld alone 1,177 600 bytes (640 460 There 1s of cours ...